The GDELT Analysis Service offers a variety of tools and services that allow you to visualize, explore, and export the Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT) project - a realtime database of global society.
IMPORTANT: The analysis site is currently being upgraded, the new version will debut in early August. In the meantime, download the data directly and sign up for our weekly newsletter for updates on the launch of the new analysis site!
EVENT Exporter
Rapidly export small subsets of event records for further analysis, visualization, or other use. Intended primarily for advanced users with event data experience.
EVENT Geographic Network
Creates a geographic network of the cities and landmarks connected through events and produces a set of images and georeferenced network files.
EVENT Heatmapper
Creates an interactive heatmap of event distribution that displays in a browser window, along with a CSV file for importing into GIS software.
EVENT Timeline
Creates a unique gridded timeline showing intensity by day of matching records - Y axis is year and X axis is day, making anniversary behavior instantly visible.
EVENT TimeMapper
Creates a timecoded Google Earth .KML file that allows you to visualize change over time and space, as well as a .CSV file for importing into GIS software and web mapping services.
GKG Network
Creates an interactive network diagram that displays in a browser window, a spreadsheet of the most important "influencers" and a .GEXF file for analysis in Gephi.
GKG Heatmap
Creates an interactive heatmap of spatial affinity that displays in a browser window, along with a CSV file for importing into GIS software.
GKG Country Timeline
Creates a unique gridded timeline showing intensity by day of each country in a search - Y axis is day and X axis is each country, making correlations among countries instantly visible.
GKG Exporter
Searches all GKG records and returns matching GKG records and a list of source URLs. Intended primarily for advanced users with extensive scripting experience.
GKG Geographic Network
Creates a geographic network of the cities and landmarks most closely associated with a search and their co-occurances and produces a set of images and georeferenced network files.
GKG Word Cloud
Creates a beautiful publication-ready "word cloud" visualization of the top entries of a given GDELT GKG field from a given search and .CSV file.
GKG Tone Timeline
Creates a timeline of the smoothed average tone by day of a search, along with a CSV file for importing into external software.
GKG Timeline
Creates a unique gridded timeline showing intensity by day of matching records - Y axis is year and X axis is day, making anniversary behavior instantly visible.
GKG Thematic Timeline
Creates a unique gridded timeline showing intensity by day of each GKG theme - Y axis is day and X axis is each GKG theme, making correlations among themes instantly visible.